5 Myths That Stop SaaS Companies from Moving Upmarket

5 Myths That Stop SaaS Companies from Moving Upmarket

Yamini Rangan

Plan sales smartly and learn from Dropbox's Rangan to dodge SaaS growth traps that affect many SaaS startups.

"Don't start building your sales team without proper planning, just like you wouldn't build a house without an architect."

Yamini Rangan, CCO from Dropbox says that many SaaS businesses misunderstand what it takes to succeed. With her 20 years of experience, she talks about the mistakes that hold these businesses back from growing. She offers real advice, shares surprising facts (like how tough it is for a SaaS company to make $1 billion!), talks about the difficulties of growing bigger, and explains how to attract bigger clients by avoiding the mistakes that almost sunk Dropbox.

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