B2B SaaS Scaling-Benchmark

B2B SaaS Scaling-Benchmark

Founder's Copilot

The Founder's Benchmark summarises all the necessary steps founders and their teams need to go through while building their company from Getting Started to Exit

What is the Founder's Benchmark?

  • The Founder's Benchmark summarises all the necessary steps founders and their teams need to go through while building their company from Getting Started to Exit.
  • It allows measuring your progress along every important dimension of your business (in total 11), including founders, people, technology, GTM, data & metrics, operations, and many more. This should give you a holistic perspective on the progress of your company and the necessary steps ahead of you.

Why did we build the Founder's Benchmark?

  • When scaling our companies, including Auterion, Locatee, Moments that Matter, Sherpany, among others, we navigated through much trial and error without a clear roadmap to gauge our current maturity or discern steps to achieve the next milestone, such as raising a Series A. Additionally, the absence of a comprehensive scaling benchmark and consistent language made it challenging to articulate our progress to investors, board members, and our team.
  • Our goal with the Founder's Benchmark is to provide more clarity to the startup world. From founders to founders.

How to use it?

  • Download the PDF by clicking on "I want this!"
  • Together with your team go through all the 11 company dimensions and check which level applies to your company for the specific dimension. Use can use page one of the PDF. Page two of the PDF gives you an example based on a fictitious company.
  • The lowest company dimension defines your overall maturity level.
  • Based on your assessment you can identify your strengths and your weaknesses.
  • Define which level you want to reach by when and leverage the benchmark to communicate progress with your team, shareholders, and your board
  • Share with us your insights and learnings (you can find our LinkedIn contact details below :))
  • Get your copy of the Founder's Benchmark for free now.
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