How to Be a Power Connector

How to Be a Power Connector

Judy Robinett

The 5+50+100 Rule for Turning Your Business Network Into Profits


"How to Be a Power Connector: The 5+50+100 Rule for Turning Your Business Network into Profits" is a business book written by Judy Robinett. The book provides strategies and tips for effective networking and building profitable business relationships.Robinett presents the 5+50+100 rule, which is a guide to managing and nurturing a powerful network. This rule suggests that one should aim to maintain:

• An inner circle of 5 "critical few" close connections who offer mutual support and trust.

• A trusted network of 50 individuals who can help you in areas where you lack knowledge or expertise.

• A wider network of 100 contacts who can provide diverse perspectives and opportunities.The book emphasizes that networking isn't just about attending events and collecting business cards. Instead, it's about developing deep and meaningful relationships, being genuinely interested in others, and figuring out how you can help them before asking for anything in return.

Robinett also stresses the importance of being strategic about networking, which includes understanding your goals, identifying key influencers and connectors in your industry, and nurturing relationships with them."How to Be a Power Connector" provides practical advice and actionable steps for becoming a better networker and for building a network that can generate business opportunities and profits. It encourages readers to move away from transactional networking towards a mindset of giving, relationship building, and strategic thinking.

Three Key Learnings:

  1. 5+50+100 Rule: This rule provides a framework for managing your network. It highlights the importance of maintaining an inner circle of 5 close contacts, a trusted network of 50 individuals who can provide assistance, and a wider network of 100 contacts for diverse perspectives and opportunities. This approach allows you to maintain a balanced and effective network.
  2. Value of Genuine Relationships: Robinett emphasizes that effective networking isn't about transactional relationships, but about building genuine connections. Being truly interested in others and offering help before asking for anything in return can foster stronger, more beneficial relationships.
  3. Strategic Networking: The book highlights the importance of strategic networking. This involves understanding your own goals, identifying key influencers in your industry, and nurturing relationships with them over time. By being more intentional with your networking efforts, you can enhance their impact and value.

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